Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bye Bye Brussels

So, keeping my priorities in line, its time to plan a going away party. Given the propensity of the neighbors to call the cops at the slightest noise (despite their never ending shouting matches), I need to find another venue. Local readers, any ideas?

As excited as I am about moving, it is sad to be leaving Brussels sooner than I'd planned. Things I'll miss:
Our apartment
The friterie on our block,
Still finding new domestic beers on menus
My coworkers and friends
Speaking French on a daily basis

Things I won't:
The hours
The bureaucracy
The rain


Anonymous said...

Bar golf with a grand finale on Pita Street?

Anonymous said...

Amen to not missing the rain....

Anonymous said...

what is SAMOURAI sauce? i must know.

and i can't wait to see pictures of your new apartment, er, villa...

Guy de Fritkot said...

For those of you poor souls who have never tasted SAMOURAI sauce, allow me to give you the slightest inkling of the culinary pleasure you are missing....

In Belgium, there are french fry shops on most every corner. There are about 16 standard sauces you can get on top of your fry cone. Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Curry-Ketchup, etc. Some crazies like PiliPili and Andalouse. The best BY FAR (though Hannah is partial to Curry Ketchup, which is pretty good I'll admit) is Samourai - a spicy mayonnaise that ranges between pink and orange. Delish